Travel report by Adi Kesava dasa

In little over two months, after the Gaura purnima and holi celebrations, the disappearance festival will start with the inauguration of the Samadhi monument and continue with parikrama’s and memorial events. We invite you to join us for this special event. Visit the Samadhi festival page for the complete overview.
The main part of the festival is the inauguration of the Samadhi monument. The design & stone carving had already started in Nov 2023, under the direction of Adi Kesava, assisted by Rasa Parayana. So it was time for another trip to Rajasthan to check on the progress.
It was a cold and wintry day on 15 January as Adi Keshav and Rasa Parayan prabhus made a quick trip to Rajasthan to check on the samadhi monument construction. The fog was intense as they left Vrindavana but cleared as they reached Rajasthan.
They were happy to see that the construction and carving was proceeding according to schedule and as per the design specifications. They informed the carvers about some minor adjustments that were needed to come to the high quality of work expected. As you can see from the picture, the monument is being constructed from high quality sandstone.