Copyright Policy

Understanding Copyright

Copyright is a legal right that gives creators control over their original works. This includes the right to:

  • Copy the work
  • Be credited as the creator
  • Decide who can adapt, perform, or financially benefit from the work

Use of Images and Media

Our website may include images from various sources. For many images, especially in older articles, the copyright status and source may be unclear. If we use copyrighted content without permission, we are legally responsible. If a copyright holder contacts us about unauthorized use, we will promptly remove the content in question.

Advice for Contributors

We encourage contributors to use copyright-free content, such as images and other media. Always credit the source when the copyright status is unclear.

Reporting Copyright Infringement

In compliance with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act the Kadamba Foundation has established a process for handling copyright infringement claims. We have designated an agent to receive these notices. If you believe your copyright has been infringed, please follow these steps:

  1. Contact Information: Provide your electronic or physical signature.
  2. Description of Work: Describe the copyrighted work that you believe has been infringed.
  3. Location of Infringement: Specify the location on our website where the infringing material is found.
  4. Your Contact Information: Include your email address, mailing address, and/or telephone number.
  5. Good Faith Statement: State that you believe the use is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law.
  6. Accuracy Statement: Confirm that the information in your notice is accurate, and that you are the copyright owner or authorized to act on behalf of the owner, under penalty of perjury.

How to File a Notice

To file a notice of infringement, provide the above information in writing. You can use the form on our website or send it by mail to:

E. Hamers
Bloemstraat 167a
1016LA Amsterdam
The Netherlands

Note: If you falsely claim that material on our site infringes your copyright, you may be liable for damages, including legal fees. If unsure, please consult an attorney before filing a notice.