Today, 9 march 2024, marks the day of the disappearance of Kadamba Kanana Swami exactly one year ago. And to celebrate that event, according to Vedic calendar, we will meet on March 27th, two days after Gaura purinama for the Tirobhava & samadhi Inauguration Festival. Visit the festival page for all information.

And the main event will be the unveiling of the Samadhi monument. We already updated you on the progress of the construction of the samadhi (read that here). And now it is time for another update on the actual preparation of the Samadhi site. The construction workers have started preparing the grounds by digging a space for the foundation. On top of this foundation will the Samadhi rest.

In a few days the carved sandstone pieces will be arriving from Rajasthan and then we will begin assembling it here. Here are the photos of the foundation preparations.

The next steps are the assembling and finishing the samadhi, which will be unveiled during the festival. See you there…