Written by Saci Indira, audio by Jagannath Vallabha
25.11.1998 Bhagavad Gita 3.39 – Qualities in KC
Acting under the Influence of Lust
We are influenced by material energy and by lust, which absorbs our minds. External things are so powerful that we struggle to control them. Lust, therefore, is a symbol of ignorance that keeps the living entity bound within the material world. All our desires overpower the self.
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06.01.1998 Bhagavad Gita 2.46
Spiritual World
We are in the spiritual world, but we lack the vision to see it.
One who is situated on the platform of Krishna consciousness is fully transcendental to mundane morality. Such a person, having experienced the truth, can see through Maya and understand even the most complex mysteries of this world.
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19.06.1999 Srimad Bhagavatam 10.12.40-42 Helsinki, Cultivating the lifetime of KC
Everything is contained within the Holy Names of the Lord; the absolute truth resides within the chanting.
The purpose of learning Krishna consciousness is to establish faith. The true goal of discovering more about Krishna is to deepen that faith. The more one hears about Krishna’s wonderful qualities, the more one becomes convinced that Krishna is indeed all-attractive.
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